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Donate to Houshamadyan Europe

To make an online donation to Houshamadyan, simply click on the button below. This will allow you to do so through PayPal.

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You can make a donation directly into our bank account:

Address of Bank: ALEXANDERPLATZ 2, D-10178 BERLIN
Payee Name: Houshamadyan e. V.
IBAN: DE92100500006603216556

For donors in Germany:

Houshamadyan e.V.
IBAN: DE92100500006603216556
Berliner Sparkasse

Houshamadyan is prepared to send an official receipt for each donation. To be able do this, the donor's postal address is required.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly about supporting Houshamadyan, please contact us at: houshamadyan(at)

Why make a donation

Houshamadyan is a not-for-profit association that receives no financial assistance from any establishment. It also has no sources of revenue of its own. At present, to continue its work and rapidly improve and enrich its pages, Houshamadyan has to rely on only one source of income – individual financial donations.

Every individual who has enjoyed this website and recognises its importance can assist us by making a donation. We also encourage all those individuals or organisations that, through their donations, want to pay homage to a particular Armenian-populated place their forebears came from. We are therefore ready to dedicate the pages concerning the given place to the memory of the person or persons nominated by the donor. In these cases the dedication will appear in the website pages.

Other ways of supporting us

You can also support Houshamadyan in the following ways:

  • Articles. The website pages will always state the next places for which the Houshamadyan editorial board is collecting materials and preparing articles. You can offer your contributions by writing articles on the given place (or places) quoted. It would be preferable to get in direct contact with the Houshamadyan editorial board, which will be pleased to give you the necessary directions.

  • Photographs. Every single old photograph of a given place has great importance for us. We are also interested in personal or group photographs belonging to Armenians born in the given place, but which were taken in the diaspora until the  1940s.

  • Sound recordings. Every recording of songs and music from the given place has great importance for us. We are also interested in those in which people who lived in the given place have described their city, town or village in various ways (through memoirs, poetry, song etc).

  • Film. We are greatly interested in old film of a given place. We also give the same importance to the kind of film which shows Armenian communal life (picnics, festivals, group dancing and so on) involving people born in that place in various countries in the diaspora.

  •  Other materials. Old and rare books, maps, paintings, unpublished memoirs and other works about various places are all of great importance to us. In such circumstances the artistic or scientific quality of such items are not of prime importance. The essential thing is the reconstruction of the memory of a life that once existed, therefore every item that in some way expresses the legacy of that place is of interest to us and will be utilised.

  • Volunteers. Houshamadyan’s plans are extensive and include many different areas. For this reason we will always be pleased if anyone among our readers would volunteer to assist us. The kinds of work vary from transcribing texts on computer, digitising books, the collection of photographs and research into archives etc.

  • The preservation of private collections – one of Houshamadyan’s main purposes is to digitize various collections from around the world which pertain to the life that Ottoman Armenians led and to present them in our website. Sometimes the people who get in touch with us wish to donate their collection to Houshamadyan; if this is the case, we’d like to suggest that you get in touch with our partner organizations, especially Project SAVE who use professional means to preserve original photographs and materials. Our organization now has a written agreement with Project SAVE which entitles us to use Project SAVE’s archives, thus we can get high resolution photographs from Project SAVE’s collection and use them in our website. As such, any material that you donate to Project SAVE will also be accessible to Houshamadyan.

Please send us an e-mail about these subjects to houshamadyan(at) and we will be delighted to provide you with all the necessary explanations about the conditions and author’s rights connected with the items you might like to send us.